About what kind of light speaks Genesis 1:3? Let’s listen to sage’s thoughts 🍒…
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Copper Serpent: Numbers 21:7-9
In Numbers 21:7-9 Moses was asked to make a fiery serpent, but he did …
The Fiery Serpents: Numbers 21:5-6
What is the Hebrew word for a dessert? What is the Hebrew verb for …
Jonah’s mission: Jonah 2:1
What is the Hebrew word for a fish? Why did Jonah stay in the …
Two Major Perspectives: Reading The Book Of Zohar
What is the perspective of a little face inside of us, and what is …
Cain’s Confession: Genesis 4:14
What is Cain’s greatest fear and how this fear portraits our lives? What is …
The Hidden Meaning of A Scarf
Why did Tamar remove her widow’s garment? Why did she cover herself with a …
The Hidden Meaning of Pouring oil: Genesis 35:14
What is the Hebrew word of oil? What is the numeral value of the …