What does the attic symbolize, and what is the relation between furniture and the …
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Psalms 16: Why Do We Need To Imagine The Name In Front Of Us
Why do we need to imagine the letters of the name of the Lord …
Psalms 30: Why Does a House or A Home Need Initiation?
What is the connection between the anointed oil, happiness, initiation of a house, and …
Pharaoh’s Daughter and The Ark: A Hebrew Abstract Reading Of The Bible
Who or what is the daughter of Pharaoh in us, who or what are …
Elisha’s Oil Miracle: The Kaleidoscope Method of Reading The Bible
Is there a way to explain miracle? How does the Hebrew Kaleidoscopial reading of …
Pharaoh’s Dreaming: The Ability to Dream and to Communicate
Who or what is Pharaoh in us, and why does he/it have the capability …
Ezekiels’ Vision Explained: Interpretation Of The Hebrew Meaning
What is the simple explanation of Ezekiel’s prophecy?

The Tabernacle Of Moses: A Hebrew Perspective On The Tent Of Meeting
What, or where is The Tabernacle Of Moses inside of us?