A new book on Amazon: “Hebrew Roots: Journeys into the Ancient Mysteries of the Hebrew Bible”

Happy to share with you a new book: “Hebrew Roots: Journeys into the Ancient Mysteries of the Hebrew Bible”. The book is based on transcriptions of our tri-weekly sessions on YouTube.

A quote from the foreword that our friend Fernando wrote:

Have you ever encountered a text so rich that it seemed to carry not just words, but a living energy—one that invites you into a deeper connection with the divine? The work before you explores just that, through illuminated conversations about the Hebrew Roots. Before we dive in, it’s important to clarify: this is not a discussion on the grammatical roots of the words in the Torah—though such an endeavor might suggest a precise translation of the sacred text. Instead, we delve into the symbolic matrix that each word and story of the Torah holds.


The book is available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle formats here.

Shana Tova to all!

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