A new month is waiting to be born – Elul אלול

A new month is waiting to be born – Elul אלול. In Song of Songs, we find a hint to this name in chapter 6 verse 3:

א’ני ל’דודי ו’דודי ל’י

Which creates the abbreviation to the name Elul אלול in Hebrew. The verse means: “I am for my uncle, and my uncle is for me.” When the term “my uncle” refers to God.

The month Elul is the 6th month from Spring, the time we celebrate the exodus, and since it is the 6th month, it has the virtue of connecting like the letter Vav.

In this month, “The King is in the field,” which means that God leaves his place and comes to dwell among us in simplicity.

Traditionally, in the 6th month of Elul, Moses went up the mountain to ask forgiveness for the golden calf. He was asking forgiveness for 40 days and nights Until Yom Kippur, The 10th day Of The 7th month, when at this day God told Moses: “I have pardoned according to thy word.” Numbers 14: 20.

In the month of Elul, the light hours are getting less than in the high summertime, and it reflected in the human’s behavior that is becoming humble and moderated.

In the 6th month, the sun stops riding the sky in full powers, and we feel that everything slows down. Providence makes sure to pull the reins on time and to ease the summer’s chariot.

We are leaving behind the shores, the shorts, the sun cream, and the ice cream and we are slowly entering the autumn chariot. We are more assembled and focused. At this right moment, “The king is in the field,” waiting to hear our voices and requests.

Once we ask something, it means we want to get closer, and Providence is attending in listening.

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